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Revolabs FLX2 Aastra 850i
Normal Status Lights

Description & Suggested Action
BASE STATIONGreen (Solid on then long solid off)Power on Boot Process
Green (Double Flashes every second)Operating Mode indicating that the Base Station is functional
Green (Skip every 5th double flash)Fault indication. This also indicates past faults that have no bearings on current operation
Green (Continuous fast flashing)Updating non-volatile memory as part of software update
UnlitNo power
Green (Solid)Fully Charged
Red (Single Flash)Active phone call, both microphones in Charger Base, microphones muted via Master Mute or All Mic Mute is ON
Red (Double Flash)Active phone call, microphone(s) in Charger Base, microphone is muted
Green (Flash)Active phone call, microphone in Charger Base is un-muted
UnlitMicrophone is powered off:
Unlit- Microphone is not seated properly
Unlit- Charger Base is powered off
MICROPHONE NOT IN CHARGER BASEUnlitMicrophone is powered off
Green (Single flash every second)On, connected, battery charged, un-muted
Red (2 Flashes every second)On, connected, battery charged, individually muted
Red (Flash every second)On, connected, battery charged, Master Mute or All Mic Mute is ON, microphones muted
Green (Flashing with Alternating Yellow)On, connected, battery low, un-muted
Red (Double Flash alternating Yellow)On, connected, battery low, individually muted
Red (Long Flash of Red and then Yellow)On, connected, battery low, Master Mute or All Mic Mute is ON, microphones muted
Yellow-Red-Yellow (Flashing)Searching far a connection to the base.
Yellow-Red-Yellow (Flashing)The microphone will try to re-establish the link for 10 minutes and then power off
Red-Green (Alternating slow Flash)Microphone is not paired to a Base Station
Red-Green (Alternating slow Flash)The microphone will power off after 2 minutes
Red (Solid)Microphone is being powered down
Red (Solid)Microphone is in pairing mode
Red ( 5 Rapid Flashes)Microphone is in a fault condition
PEAKER IN CHARGER BASEGreen (Solid)- Connected, battery charging, no phone call in progress, Microphones in Charger Base
Green (Solid)- Connected, battery charging, phone call in progress, Microphones are not muted using All Mic Mute or Master Mute. Microphone(s) might still be individually muted
Green (Solid)- Connected, battery charging, no phone call in progress, Microphone(s) outside of the Charger Base un-muted
Red (Solid)- Connected, battery charging, phone call in progress, Master Mute or All Mic Mute is ON, all microphones are muted
Red (Solid)- Connected, battery charging, no phone call in progress, Microphone(s) outside of Charger Base, All Mic Mute is ON, all Microphones are muted
Green (Flashing every second)- Connected, battery fully charged, no phone call in progress, Microphones in Charger Base
Green (Flashing every second)- Connected, battery fully charged, phone call in progress, Microphones are not muted using All Mic Mute or Master Mute. Microphones might still be individually muted
Green (Flashing every second)- Connected, battery fully charged, no phone call in progress, Microphone(s) outside of the Charger Base un-muted
Red (Flashing every second)- Connected, battery fully charged, phone call in progress, Master Mute or All Mic Mute is ON, all microphones are muted
Red (Flashing every second)- Connected, battery fully charged, no phone call in progress, microphones outside of Charger Base, All Mic Mute is ON, all Microphones are muted
Yellow-Red-Yellow-Green (Flashing)Speaker is not paired to a Base Station
UnlitSpeaker is powered off:
Unlit- Speaker is not seated properly
Unlit- Charger tray is powered off
SPEAKER NOT IN CHARGER BASEUnlitSpeaker is powered off
Green (Flashing every second)- Connected, no call in progress, Microphones in Charger Base
Green (Flashing every second)- Connectd, no phone call in progress, Microphone(s) outside of the Charger Base un-muted
Green (Flashing every second)- Connected, call in progress, Microphones are not muted using All Mic Mute or Master Mute
Green (Flashing every second)-Microphone(s) might still be individually muted
Red (Flashing every second)- Connected, phone call in progress, Master Mute or All Mic Mute is ON, all microphones are muted
Red (Flashing every second)- Connected, no phone call in progress, Microphone(s) outside of Charger Base, All Mic Mite is ON, all Microphones are muted
Green-Yellow (Alternating Flash)- Connected, battery low, no call in progress
Green-Yellow (Alternating Flash)- Connected, Battery low, call in progress, Microphones are not muted using All Mic Mute or Master Mute. Microphone(s) might still be individually muted
Red-Yellow (Alternating Flash)- Connected, battery low, no call in progress, All Mic Mute is ON, all Microphones are muted
Red-Yellow (Alternating Flash)- Connected, battery low, call in progress, Master Mute or All Mic Mute is ON, all Microphones muted
Red-Green (Slow Alternating Flash)Speaker is not paired to a Base Station
Red-Green (Slow Alternating Flash)The speaker will power down after 2 minutes
Red (Solid)- Speaker is being powered down
Red (Solid)- Speaker is in pairing mode
Red (5 Rapid Flashes)Speaker is in fault condition

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The Story Behind "Status Lights"

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