zyxel C3000Z
Normal Status Lights
Description & Suggested Action
POWER | FLASHING GREEN | Flashes while Device starts up |
SOLID GREEN | Normal condition | UNLIT | No Power | DSL | SOLID GREEN | Has a DSL connection |
UNLIT | No DSL connection | INTERNET | SOLID GREEN | Has Internet access |
FLASHING GREEN | Sending/Receiving data | UNLIT | No Internet access | WAN/LAN | SOLID GREEN | WAN/LAN port is connected |
FLASHING GREEN | Sending/Receiving data | UNLIT | Nothing connected in WAN/LAN ports | ETHERNET | SOLID GREEN | Flashes when corresponding LAN port is connected to the Device |
FLASHING GREEN | Sending/Receiving data | UNLIT | No traffic | USB | SOLID GREEN | USB Printer or Memory device is connected |
FLASHING GREEN | Transmitting data | UNLIT | Nothing connected in USB slot | Wi-Fi 2.4G | SOLID GREEN | Wireless LAN is ready |
FLASHING GREEN | Wireless traffic | UNLIT | Wi-Fi disabled | Wi-Fi 5G | SOLID GREEN | Wireless LAN is ready |
FLASHING GREEN | Wireless traffic | UNLIT | Wi-Fi disabled | WPS | SOLID GREEN | Enabled |
FLASHING AMBER | WPS is in process |
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Infotel Systems
The Story Behind "Status Lights"