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Comcast Cisco DPC3939B
Normal Status Lights

Description & Suggested Action
POWERWhitePower is on.
US/DSWhiteUpstream and Downstream ports are connected
ONLINEWhiteUnit is online
2.4 GHzWhiteWireless access point is enabled and operational.
White (Flashing)Data is being transferred between the CPE and the wireless home gateway
OffWireless access point is disabled by the user.
5 GHzWhiteWireless access point is enabled and operational.
White (Flashing)Data is being transferred between the CPE and the wireless home gateway.
OffWireless access point is disabled by user.
Tel 1WhiteTelephony service is enabled.
White (Flashing)Line 1 is in use.
Tel 2WhiteTelephony service is enabled.
White (Flashing)Line 2 is in use.
BatteryWhiteBattery is charged.
White (Flashing)Battery needs to be charged.
OffNo battery in unit or battery is completely dead.

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The Story Behind "Status Lights"

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