panasonic KX-NS1000
Normal Status Lights

Description & Suggested Action
STATUS | GREEN SOLID | Power on and running |
GREEN FLASHING | Starting up | UNLIT | Power off | AMBER SOLID | Ready to shutdown | AMBER FLASHING | Shutting down | RED SOLID | Power was cut without performing the shutdown procedure | RED SOLID | No IP address(es) assighed for the DSP card(s) byt the DHCP server | RED SOLID | Alarm for an optional service card | RED FLASHING (240/Minute) | Initialize failed | RED FLASHING (60/Minute) | WAN connection session malfunction (router malfunction) | BATT ALARM | RED SOLID | Alarm |
UNLIT | Normal | MASTER | GREEN SOLID | Master unit is ON |
GREEN FLASHING | Secondary unit is running as backup Master unit | AMBER FLASHING | Factory default on Master unit | AMBER SOLID | Secondary unit is on | AMBER FLASHING | Secondary unit Factory default/starting up | RED SOLID | Master unit is on: Recovered (waiting to be switched with Backup Master unit) | RED FLASHING | Secondary unit is Isolated from Master unit | MNT LINK | GREEN SOLID | Linked normally |
GREEN FLASHING | In communication | UNLIT | Offline | MNT 1000 | GREEN SOLID | 1000 Mbps |
YELLOW SOLID | 100 Mbps | UNLIT | 10 Mbps | LAN LINK | GREEN SOLID | Linked normally |
GREEN FLASHING | In communication | UNLIT | Offline | LAN 1000 | GREEN SOLID | 1000 Mbps |
YELLOW SOLID | 100 Mbps | UNLIT | 10 Mbps | WAN LINK | GREEN SOLID | Linked normally |
GREEN FLASHING | In communication | UNLIT | Offline | WAN 1000 | GREEN SOLID | 1000 Mbps |
YELLOW SOLID | 100 Mbps | UNLIT | 10 Mbps |
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Infotel Systems
The Story Behind "Status Lights"