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Juniper SSR120
Normal Status Lights

Description & Suggested Action
CHASSIS LED 1SOLID BLUEOS Boot process is complete
SOLID AMBERDevice is powered off by the OS
CHASSIS LED 2UNLITOS Boot process is complete
UNLITDevice is powered off by the OS
CHASSIS LED 3SOLID BLUEOS Boot process is complete
SOLID BLUEDevice is powered off by the OS
LINK (Port: 0, 1, 4 & 5)SOLID ORANGE1 Gbps link is established
UNLIT10 Mbps or 100 Mbps link established if the Activity LED is also lit GREEN. If Link & Activity LED are both unlit there is no link established
ACTIVITY (Port: 0, 1, 4 & 5)FLASHING GREENThe link is up and there is traffic on the port
SOLID GREENThe link is up but there is no traffic on the port
UNLITThe link is down
LINK (Port: 2 & 3)SOLID ORANGE10 Mbps or 100 Mbps link is established
FLASHING ORANGE10 Mbps or 100 Mbps link established and there is traffic on the port
UNLIT1 Gbps link is established if the Activity LED is also lit GREEN. If the Link & Activity LED are both unlit it indicates there is no link established
ACTIVITY (Port: 2 & 3)FLASHING GREEN100 Mbps or 1 Gbps link established and there is traffic on the Port
SOLID GREEN100 Mbps or 1 Gbps link established but there is no traffic on the Port
UNLIT10 Mbps link established if the Link LED is also lit ORANGE. If the Link & Activity LED are both unlit it indicates there is no link established

For more information or to have your device listed please contact Infotel Systems

The Story Behind "Status Lights"

Infotel Systems . 6008 Hermitage Rd . Richmond, Virginia 23228

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