Comcast TP-Link TC7650
Normal Status Lights
Description & Suggested Action
UNLIT | Powered OFF | DOWNSTREAM | SOLID WHITE | Modem has synchronized with 1 channel |
SOLID GREEN | Modem has synchronized with more than 1 channel | FLASHING WHITE | Scanning for downstream channels | UNLIT | Synchronization has not started or has failed | UPSTREAM | SOLID WHITE | Modem has synchronized with 1 channel |
SOLID GREEN | Modem has synchronized with more than 1 channel | FLASHING WHITE | Synchronizing upstream channels | UNLIT | Synchronization has not started or has failed | INTERNET | SOLID WHITE | Internet service is available |
FLASHING WHITE | Modem is attempting to connect to the Internet | UNLIT | No Internet service available | LAN | SOLID WHITE | LAN port is connected to a powered-on device |
UNLIT | LAN port is not connected to a device |
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Infotel Systems
The Story Behind "Status Lights"