Description & Suggested Action
POWER | Red (Solid) | Power supply error condition or temperature alarm. // Cool unit or replace power supply. |
Green | Normal | Unlit | Unit has no power // check power. | SYSTEM | Green (Solid) | Normal |
Green (Fast Blink) | System Controller is offline. // Reboot or replace unit & upload archive config. | Yellow (Fast Blink) | Flash download is in progress. | Yellow (Solid) | Self-test in progress. | Red (Solid) | Internal error condition. // Reboot or replace unit & upload archive config. | Red (Fast Blink) | Flash download or flash error condition. // Reboot or replace unit & upload archive config. | Unlit | Unit has no power // check power. | ETHERNET | Green | Normal. Link established. |
Unlit | Link has not been established. // Check Ethernet connectivity via ping. | REMOTE | Yellow | A user is logged into the unit via Telnet or VT100. |
Unlit | No users are logged into the unit. | ACO | Yellow | ACO switch is depressed. |
Unlit | ACO switch is not depressed. | NETWORK | | |
OK | Green (Solid) | Normal |
Unlit | Interface experienced an alarm. | TEST | Yellow (Solid) | Interface is in a test mode. // If not intentional, disable/enable interface to clear. |
Yellow (Solid) | Module is in a test mode. | ERROR | Red (Blinking) | BPV, CRC & ES errrors. // Check module for rate of errors & check connectivity to upstream device or carrier. |
ALARM | Red (Solid) | LOF or LOS alarm. SEVERE. // Check connectivity to upstream device or carrier. |
STATUS | Green (Solid) | Module is present. |
Green (Fast Blink) | Module has been manually taken offline by the user. | Red (Solid) | Module is in an alarm state. | Red (Fast Blink) | Module has no response, has been removed or is not supported. // Reboot or hotswap module. | Red (Slow Blink) | Module is not ready. // Reboot or hotswap module. | None | No module occupies the slot. If module is there, // reboot or hotswap module. | ONLINE | Green (Solid) | Module has an active connection. |
Green (Fast Blink) | Module has invalid flash memory or is downloading Firmware. |