Cisco Cable Router DPC3216
Normal Status Lights
Description & Suggested Action
UNLIT | Power is OFF | DS | SOLID GREEN | The Cable Modem is receiving Data from the Cable Network |
UNLIT | No Data being received | US | SOLID GREEN | The Cable Modem is sending Data to the Cable Network |
UNLIT | No Power or no Internet Connectivity | ONLINE | SOLID GREEN | The Cable Modem is registered on the Network and Fully operational |
UNLIT | Not registered to the Network | LINK | SOLID GREEN | The Wireless Access Point is operational |
FLASHING GREEN | Data is being transferred over the wireless connection | UNLIT | The Wireless Access Point has been disabled by the user | TEL1 | SOLID GREEN | Telephony Services are enabled |
FLASHING GREEN | Flashes when Line 1 is in use | UNLIT | Phone Service for TEL1 is not enabled | TEL2 | SOLID GREEN | Telephony Services are enabled |
FLASHING GREEN | Flashes when Line 2 is in use | UNLIT | Phone Service for TEL2 is not enabled | BATTERY | SOLID GREEN | Battery is charged |
FLASHING GREEN | Battery charge is low | UNLIT | Unit is operating from Battery Power, the battery charge is depleted or the battery is defective or missing |
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Infotel Systems
The Story Behind "Status Lights"