Kentrox T-Smart CSU
Normal Status Lights
Description & Suggested Action
PWR/FAIL | Green (Solid) | Powered and operational. |
Red (Solid) | Powered but not fully operational. | TA/FEL | Yellow (Solid) | Set or Test Code sent to far end or local unit is in loop back. // (A power cycle will clear this.) |
Yellow (Flashing) | Far end loop back has been verified. | NET LP | Yellow | Network Loop Back (TLB or LLB) set. |
SEND | Yellow | Sending loop back or test code. |
ACO | Green | Alarm Cut-Off switch is operating. Remains on until the alarm condition is removed or until another alarm occurs. |
LOC LP | Yellow | Local Loop Back in process. |
CODE | Yellow | Any code being received. |
DATA | Green | Valid data is present at the Network or Terminal Interface Off Data stream interrupted. |
BPV | Red (Flashing) | Bipolar Violation (BPV) received (flashes) When B8ZS is enabled, LED doesn’t light on BPV's that are part of B8ZS pattern. |
AIS | Red | Alarm Indication Signal received for one second. |
LOS | Red | Loss of Signal received. |
KA | Red | Keep-Alive signal transmitted toward Network. |
PD | Red | Pulse Density below 1 in 8 detected in the outgoing network signal. |
YEL | Yellow | Yellow Alarm code received. |
OOF | Red | Out of Frame condition. |
EER | Red | Error rate exceeds selected threshold. |
NI (NETWORK) | Red | Specifies LOS, YEL, AIS, EER, OOF, BPV or CODE is on NI signal. |
TI (TERMINAL) | Red | Specifies LOS, PD, YEL, AIS, EER |
(VENDOR) | | OOF, BPV or CODE is on TI signal. |
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Infotel Systems
The Story Behind "Status Lights"