Panasonic NCP500 PRI 23 Card
Normal Status Lights
Description & Suggested Action
SERR | Unlit | Normal |
SYNC-ERR | Red (Solid) | Out of Synchronization |
RAI | Unlit | Normal |
Red (Solid) | Alarm (Clock Slave) | Red (Flashing) | Flashing (60 times per minute): Alarm (Clock Master) | AIS | Unlit | Normal |
Red (Solid) | Alarm | SYNC | Unlit | Not synchronized |
Green (Solid) | Synchronized | Green (Flashing) | Flashing (60 times per minute): Synchronized (Clock Master) | DLK D-LINK | Unlit | Not established |
Green (Solid) | Established | STATUS | Unlit | Power off |
Green (Solid) | Normal (all Ports are idle) | Green (Flashing) | Flashing (60 times per minute): Normal (a Port is in use) | Red (Solid) | Fault (includes reset) | Red (Flashing) | Flashing (60 times per minute): Out of Service |
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Infotel Systems
The Story Behind "Status Lights"