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Normal Status Lights

Description & Suggested Action
POWERGreenPower is supplied to the Gateway.
UnlitPower is not supplied to the Gateway.
DSGreen (Blinking)Scanning for DS channel.
Green (Solid)Synchronized on 1 channel only. A 50/10 account shows solid green but shows 4 channels connected on the modems http Admin screen.
BlueSynchronized with more than 1 channel. DS Bond mode.
DS & USGreen (Solid)Both DS and US blinking together = operator is performing maintenance.
USGreen (Blinking)Ranging is in progress.
Green (Solid)Ranging is complete on 1 channel only. A 50/10 account shows solid green.
UnlitScanning for DS channel.
ONLINEGreen (Blinking)Able interface is acquiring IP, ToD, CM configuration.
Green (Solid)Gateway is operational. (Takes 30 seconds to turn solid after cable connection)
UnlitGateway is offline. (Takes 10- 30 seconds to turn OFF after cable dis-connection)
LINKGreen (Blinking)Data is transmitting.
Green SolidGateway is operational.
UnlitNo Ethernet link detected.
DIAGAmberSystem failure.
UnlitNormal operation.
LAN 1 - LAN 4 10-100 MBPSGreen (Blinking)Data is transmitting.
Green (Solid)Connected at 10 or 100 Mbps.
UnlitNo Ethernet link detected.
LAN 1 - LAN 4 1 GMBPSBlue (Blinking)Data is transmitting.
Blue (Solid)Connected at 1 GMbps.
UnlitNo Ethernet link detected.
USBGreenReserved for future use.

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The Story Behind "Status Lights"

Infotel Systems . 6008 Hermitage Rd . Richmond, Virginia 23228

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