Synology DiskStation DS214
Normal Status Lights
Description & Suggested Action
STATUS | GREEN SOLID | Volume normal |
GREEN SLOW FLASHING | HDD Hibernation (All other LED indicators will be unlit) | AMBER SOLID | Available volume space < 1GB | AMBER SOLID | Available volume space < 1% | AMBER FLASHING | Volume degraded or crashed | AMBER FLASHING | No volume | LAN | GREEN SOLID | Network Link |
GREEN FLASHING | Network is active | UNLIT | Network is down | DISK 1-2 | GREEN SOLID | Disk is read and idle |
GREEN FLASHING | Disk is being accessed | UNLIT | No internal disk | AMBER SOLID | Cannot read/write | COPY | GREEN SOLID | Device detected |
GREEN FLASHING | Copying data | UNLIT | No device connected | POWER | BLUE SOLID | Power ready |
BLUE FLASHING | Booting up | BLUE FLASHING | Shutting down | UNLIT | Power off |
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Infotel Systems
The Story Behind "Status Lights"